Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Countdown to Big Bend--Day 31

I've missed a few days of blogging but Big Bend has not been far from my mind. My foot is almost completely well and this is encouraging. I have put on a few pounds since my walking time has slowed down, but I think I'm back on track to be at hiking weight by December 10.

The leaves in Tulsa are beautiful right now. Since we've rolled back to standard time, I get to walk at first light. I loved seeing the sunrise this morning, clouds reflecting a pinkish glow. The maples in Mapleridge are almost at peak and this is very enjoyable.

In the evenings, it is sundown as I walk back home. Again, the colors from a different angle provide a beautiful backdrop for the walk. Five miles a day is the goal, and I've accomplished this for the month of November.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Countdown to Big Bend--Day 37

This morning I met with Jim, my hiking buddy for WalkingMan Tour 2010. He had the "Hiking Big Bend" book and we discussed taking another day and camping the first night on the South Rim. The planning is exciting!

There was quite a discussion of pack weight. I'm of the opinion that ultra-light is best for me, especially my shoulders considering the water weight for hiking the Outer Mountain Loop. Jim is packing for comfort, so I advise a practice hike to check out his stamina.

More tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Countdown to Big Bend--Day 38

I had a great walk to work this morning. A cold front blew in last night and the temps are in the high 30's. This is outstanding for walking however. I walked nearly 3 miles without breaking a sweat!

I have picked up a walking buddy...Leon. At first I was irritated since I value the solitude of walking before my day of intense conversation with clients. But I've learned to adjust to having Leon walk with me for a while and so I was actually pleased to see him this morning. I've informed him of my upcoming hike and we talked a bit about this before he hijacked things to the election.

My heel is well, no pain this morning and my mood is much better because of this!

OML here I come!

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Big Bend Countdown Day 39

Today is November 2, and I'm continuing the project of a daily post. My walk yesterday was 5 miles, to work and back. Primarily I'm working out my sore heel. I made it fine, but my heel continues to be sore today. It helps to take ibuprofen, but I may have to have it looked at. I'll keep you posted. I'm off to vote!

Monday, November 01, 2010

Forty Day Countdown

Today is November 1st and I'm 40 days away from the WalkingMan Tour 2010. I'm planning to do the Outer Mountain Loop in Big Bend National Park with my friend Jim. Jim is a BiBe newbie and I'm looking forward to seeing the reactions he has to the sights!

I'll have a daily update to keep myself motivated and fully document the preparation time.