Friday, October 03, 2014

Reflecting on Three Weeks of the Camino

I'm in Leon today, Friday October 3 and also tomorrow. I've been walking the Camino for three weeks and want to pace myself a bit.

I've traveled over 315 miles in the past twenty days and my feet can tell the tales. It's been interesting to be more in tune with my body, to be aware of the different stages it goes through in the course of a day's walking. I started out this morning virtually pain free for the first time since Logrono, two weeks ago. I've walked through the creation and healing of blisters on both heels and now overcoming blisters on my little toes.

I got a certain thrill out of asking the pharmacist for Compeed because "tengo   ampollas en mis dedos de los pies" "I have blisters on the fingers of my feet" and was understood!

A word about Compeed, I consider it a miracle product and has allowed me to continue walking while the blisters improved. Like I wrote earlier, this was a pain-free day of walking up to mile nine when tiredness sets in.

So, as you can tell, the first reflection is an obsession with the health of my feet. If my feet give out, the Camino is over. Mine seem to be improving.

Another reflection involves attitude. I have time as I walk to think, a lot, and can see the danger of falling into a negative mindset. Thoughts like "why am I doing this?" Or "I wish this were over" set up an attitude that is deadly. I've observed different persons on the Camino who have fallen into negativity and for them the joy is gone.

The truth of the Camino is that there is physical discomfort: pain, crowded sleeping quarters, unfamiliar languages, snoring, but there is also an extreme opportunity for gratitude. A private room is a special thrill!

Anytime I feel tempted toward resentment the first thought is "I'm hiking through Spain!" The next is "Everyday I am getting physically stronger" and then an extreme gratitude for the closeness I get to have with The Lord as we experience the real life difficulties together. I experienced pure joy today when I realized that my feet were pain free!

I am grateful for my mother and father who taught me about The Lord.

I am grateful for my brothers, and particularly Al who bought me a Camino guide book two years ago. It has proven to be invaluable.

I'm grateful to my Band of Brothers who encouraged me to begin hiking way back in 2006!

I'm grateful to my small group, the Body of Christ for me at this stage of life and their prayers and support.

I'm grateful for a good sponsor and the freedom I have to drink aqua y Coca Cola when offered vino tinto or cervesa!

I'm grateful for the Boys in the Hood every Wednesday as I eat lunch. You know what I mean!

I'm grateful for finding the Body of Christ alive on the Camino in the people I meet and talk with every day.

And I'm grateful for Beth who supports my hair-brained adventures. I'm looking forward to seeing her as I walk into Santiago two weeks from now.

Believe it or not, Leon is having a festival this weekend, The Feast of San Froilan, so it may prove to be an exciting night.

I'll be resting my feet!

Buen Camino

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You da Man Jerry! One lesson I learned in Tang Soo Do was "The mind is the primary actor, the body is second". You could be a great martial artist.