I made it through customs, bought a train ticket to the metro station near the apartment where I am staying and arranged to meet the landlady. Three hours after I arrived I was safely inside the apartment.
A garden by my apartment
All through the fight, buying the train ticket, making it to the apartment, I continued to be troubled by fear and worry. They are constant and so wrong that I just call them demon number one and demon number two.
Every accusation, every suggestion put forth by fear and worry proved wrong. As in most God sightings it's easy to tell the right path because it's always opposed. This journey is no exception. I'm sure I'm on the right path because opposition is very constant but victory is at every turn.
I continue to battle demon's one and two with gratitude. I don't have to do this; I get to do this and I am grateful. And the demons go away for a while.
In preparation for the Camino I hiked 18 miles around Paris on Wednesday and ten more on Thursday. I think I'm in good physical shape.
Here are the obligatory tourist Photos
The scene from every window
Now that jet-lag is taken care of, tomorrow I take a train to Bordeaux then on to Bayonne and ending in Saint Jean Pied de Port to begin my walk on September 14th.
I'm reading A W Tozer's "Pursuit of God" again and am reminded of my purpose in the changes I've made in life. Is it possible to have a living, breathing relationship with Almighty God? The God who cares about plane tickets and train tickets and walking?
The test of this is experienced through God sightings, seeing God alive in every thing every day. I continue to see them, I continue to journal them and I'll be writing more in the days to come.
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