Monday, April 29, 2013

Walking Man 2013

I love springtime. In our neighborhood the azalea's are blooming, trees are budding and allergies are full bore. I'm planning my year's hikes and will use this blog to keep updated and on track.

One area to explore this year is the McGee Creek Natural Scenic Recreation Area near Atoka, OK.  I'm planning this hike in May.  We are also going to the city of Davis Oklahoma in June and will visit the Chickasaw National Recreation Area for short day hikes. Finally, I'm planning another Outer Mountain Loop hike at Big Bend National Park in October of this year.  It's been five years since I last did this hike and I'm planning it earlier in the year to have warmer weather.

2013 is shaping up to be a good hiking year. I'll keep the blog updated as I progress.

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